
Showing posts from 2010

Spoon Fed


Hey, Hey, Sunday!

Dog Agility: My Introduction to Communication Class Speech

Selected or Equipped?

Pneumonic Devices and Fire Drills

Time Management Take II

Time Management

Thanksgiving... And Praise

Whether Walking or Running, at Least I'm With You

But You Were Not Willing


Less than What They Really Are

I could be, but instead...

To Find Satisfaction in God

To Know God, and Believe Him

From "Fake" to "Faith"

Know: One Knows

A Girl of Every Thought

Yes, or Yes, but?

The Barefooted Rider

God is not pleased with "talkers"

God is Capable

Putting my Feet on my Pillow

Shall We Run?

Bless the Lord

Blue is for Blah

Working Song: More Than A Whistle

Resonating Reasons

Time on my Hands... and Missing Friends

Twenty Posts and Counting