
I've been enjoying a lot of learning this week, and getting through the rest of it. I have a lot of projects that center around abilities, purpose, freedom, and living an abundant life. These assignments and studies have challenged me to color inside the lines for a few moments and better define the person that I am. It's easy to box someone else in; you only see a portion of their personality anyway, but it's harder to put yourself in a box. Not only do you see a bigger picture of yourself than just the bits and pieces you show to others, but (at least for me) I find that self-seeking also gets in the way. If you put up definitions, you limit yourself in what you are. This is a significant struggle for me.

In filling out my SIMA profile this week, which stands for System for Identifying your Motivated Abilities, I had to face the fact that I can't be everything. I also had to realize that I'm not always motivated by socially acceptable traits (i.e., serving others and benefiting the group). I actually realized that my motivational tendencies (which I think is a better name than motivational abilities don't you?) circumscribe around presenting and admiring the completed picture. The analogy of a mountain climbing fits me well: I am motivated to see the view, so I'll make the climb.

I've recognized that I love the part of the story when you get to step back and see how your contributions look in the whole (and having people that affirm the quality of my contribution doesn't hurt either). Perhaps this motivational tendency is even the reason I have such a hard time with contentment in a time of partiality, of incompletion. But at the same time, I've been learning a lot about freedom (mostly from my Beth Moore Bible study). Which I wish I had time to talk about in depth, but I'm almost late for chapel (oops!)! So, I'll just leave you (and me) with a verse that I've memorized and have been reflecting on this week. Until next post, live in liberty!

"Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." -2 Cor. 3:17


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