Dog Agility: My Introduction to Communication Class Speech

This is a video of the speech I did for my Intro to Comm. Class on Dog Agility... Just for you. :)

Hmmmm. Well, since I have to sit and wait here while it uploads, I guess I can do a little posting too. That's just works out prefectly doesn't it?

For the past several days, I've been mulling over a lot of my life. I've been thinking about the things that make my who I am, my preferences, my motivations, and what it is I really want out of life. Yes, these are philosophical questions, and no, they have no easy answers. Every once in a while, though, I enjoy pondering the possibilities.

For all of you reading this who have ever wondered, "What now?" I get you. I also get you if you've ever said things like, "I never want this to end, but I wonder when it will." Of course, you and I probably have much more in common then these simple phrases, but these will suffice for now, kindred. It's amazing how diverse yet strikingly similar humans are isn't it?

Yay! The video's done processing! Before I go, here are a few thought-provoking quotes I've heard over the past few days:

1. "Being physically present with someone sounds simple, but it's actually counter-cultural in a society where we're encouraged to keep relationships shallow." —Cultivate: Forming the Emerging Generation through Life-on-Life Mentoring - Dr. Jeff Myers with Paul & Paige Gutacker

2. "A low-content shared experience is one of the best ways to communicate to someone that they are important—not because of what they have or do, but because of who they are." —Cultivate: Forming the Emerging Generation through Life-on-Life Mentoring - Dr. Jeff Myers with Paul & Paige Gutacker

3. "True hospitality means inviting people into your life, not just into your house." —Cultivate: Forming the Emerging Generation through Life-on-Life Mentoring - Dr. Jeff Myers with Paul & Paige Gutacker

4. "If it is God's will, a reasonable amount of time each day will be sufficient. If it is not God's will, no amount of time will be sufficient." —Gregg Harris on fulfilling our spiritual responsibilities.

5. “To surrender the outcome to God means acting faithfully through the process, but relinquishing control of the results... As long as I feel responsible for the outcome of the lives of others, I live in worry... But when I surrender the outcome to God, fear melts away. If I’m confident that God will bring about the outcome that pleases him, I’m free to stop wheedling and manipulating and cajoling. I’m free to let God open the floodgates of blessing if he chooses to do so." —Passing the Baton by Jeff Myers.

6. "There is a sense in which God intellectually knows all things, but He’s constantly experiencing new things." —Dr. Ken Turner at the CLF Perspectives on the Sabbath Retreat.

7. "If I live in a house of spotless beauty with everything in its place, but have not love, I am a housekeeper, not a homemaker." -Diagram in Childhood Growth and Development Class

P.S. Feel free to comment on one or more of the quotes as a suggested blog topic. I'd love to discuss any of these in more detail."



  1. great presentation! and the quotes—i love them! especially #4 and #7.

  2. For #7, I found a link that has more "variations on 1 Cor. 13." I read through them and couldn't help smiling a bit..


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