What's Your Character?
Did I ever tell you about the dream I had in which I was a journalist reporting on an Apple Inc. conference?
The crowd pushed ever closer as we all tried to get the best seat in the house. Despite the fact that the event was standing room only, and I had more of other people's sweat on my then my own, I was extremely excited. After all, this was my first gig (and a pretty significant one at that!). Today, Steve Jobs would be revealing more information about the company's esteemed iphone 4, and I was going to write about it! Fast forward to an exhausted Steve Jobs, having been constantly hammered with questions from the reporters for the last 45 min (dream time of course). With a look of sheer weariness on his face, Steve Jobs took center stage with a humble request of the crowd:
"I feel so worn down. All of your questions are fantastic, but there just so serious. I think it's time we lighten things up a bit. Does anyone have a casual question they want to ask that will take the edge off this dreary conference?"
This, coincidentally enough, was the moment I'd been waiting for. As a new reporter, I didn't have the breadth of understanding to speculate all these serious, politically correct questions anyway, so—along with doodling on my notepad—I'd also composed the perfect casual question. My hand skyrocketed above my head almost before Jobs had finished his sentence.
"If you had to pick a Pixar character to describe your personality, who would you choose?" I inquired confidently.
The look on Jobs face was priceless: His eyebrows lifted and a genuine smile graced his countenance. "I like this girl!" He said, turning to the nearest crewman. "What's your name?"
"I'm Rachel." I offered, both flattered and shocked that he was actually speaking to me.
"Well, Rachel, how would you like to have coffee with me in my office after the conference is over? We can talk a little more about your questions."
What do you say to a multimillionaire who has just invited you to talk about Pixar characters over coffee? "ABSOLUTELY," I gushed.
The conference ended uneventfully a few minutes later and soon it was just Jobs and me, mugs in hand, sitting in arm chairs directly across from each other in a cozy, earth-toned room with a dark cherry coffee table between us. Jobs took a sip and placed his mug squarely on the nearest coaster.
"You know, Rachel, it's your kind of creativity and spark that Pixar is looking for in their artists and writers. Would you consider coming to work for us.?" He asked nonchalantly.
"Me?" I replied, intimidated. "I'm not very good at drawing, and writing is a hit or miss. Still, if you would be willing to train me and allow me to shadow some of the artists, I'd love to see what I could do for your company." I smiled, "I love being creative!"
"Good." Jobs nodded. "There's just one other thing. What would you say if I offered you a free iphone 4?"
Okay, now this was just mind boggling! Here I was in Steve Jobs' office, drinking an amazing cup of coffee, being offered an artist and writer position at Pixar, and now Jobs has to go and turn my dream world upside down with possibility. I tilted my head slightly, a mischievous look in my eyes. "What would you say if I said yes?" I said, a gleam in my eye.
From there, the room faded and real life began percolating with my coffee. I rubbed my sleepy eyes awake and rolled out of bed. Routine, here I come.
The reason I told you this story was not just for cheap entertainment. I told you this story because I actually got to use the pixar question in my R.A. group interview today. They asked us to each ask one question of the entire group. And you know what? I was ready.