New Year's Resolutions 2019

If you know me, even a little, you probably know that I'm a goal-setter (achieving my goals is a different story, but boy do I set them!).

Except, in the last few years I've become wayyyyy more "type B" or "laid back" about goals / performance / achievement / organization / punctuality (etc etc etc)... Or, so I've been told by people who've only known me for the last couple of years. Either way, I wanted to set New Years Resolutions like I do every year.

Last year, I went more "broad" and cast a mantra / vision of who I wanted to be. I quickly lost site of that vision, and it turns out it wasn't a very meaningful experience for me. This year, I'm returning to my roots and setting my SPERM goals (yes, I know, great acronym, right?).

Spiritual. Physical. Emotional. Relational. Mental. 

I find that dividing up my goals in this way helps me hit my growth areas somewhat holistically (forcing me to make goals in all areas of my identity, not just the ones I'm "ready" to examine, which for me is helpful accountability). Who's to say if I accomplish these goals this year, but here's to putting them out there and giving it a good try.


1. Create a kickin' worship playlist

2. Choose 12 things to ask God for this year, and spend intentional time praying for one each month
  • January: To feel loved
  • February: Faith over fear
  • March: A deep sense of purpose and calling
  • April: Joy in the Holy Spirit
  • May: Emotional equanimity 
  • June: A readiness and willingness to serve others
  • July: Eyes for the Kingdom 
  • August: Generosity 
  • September: Flexibility 
  • October: Grace for self and others
  • November: Boldness
  • December: Direction for the future

1. Finish my LPC intern hours, or try to get at least 75% of the way

2. Start a podcast or write a book

3. Try 2 new recipes every month

4. Travel one place I've never been (get a passport?)

5. Start my yoga certification training? pending finances (per usual)


1.  Participate in 30 days of gratitude in November

2. Spend one weekend a month off of social media

3. Continue working on / releasing past hurts and resentments, and taking steps to make amends where needed.

4. Set boundaries (amen) and start saying yes and no with more dignity (rather than as a people pleasing response)


1. Be open to dating. Be open to not dating

2. Send Christmas cards to my friends this year

3. Host 3 social gatherings this year — they can be small. Also, attend at least 3 (that one should be easy!)


1. Blog once per month (or work on writing that aforementioned book, haha)

2. Take an online course or webinar on a subject I'm interested in (Enneagram, Theology, etc).


Annnnnnnnd, there you have it. Ready, set, goal. This is gonna be a good year, I can tell.



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