Singing in the Rain

Hey all, both familiar and new. Thanks for following this blog (or thanks to whatever force brought you here on accident). This blog (SPOILER ALERT) is pretty much a quick update on my life (as if that sparked your attention). In case you're interested in the "business" side of what's going on in Sugar Land, read on. If you're looking for philosophical ramblings, existential exploring, or cynical jokes; you may need to wait until my next post (or read some of my past ones).

Introductions aside, I'm currently sitting on the couch, listening to the rain fall outside (the forecast predicted rain, and so it is). Basically, here's some questions people around have asked me, and here's my answer to them.

1) Did you get the job at HEDC?

YES! I started working at HEDC on March 17th as a "training week." That week bloomed into an official offer for a full time job as "recovery coach." I accepted. I received my first paycheck last monday, and lost it that same day. My mom and I were laughing at my uncanny ability to misplace things and we decided that I'm a full-time loser and a part-time finder. Luckily,  I found that dear slip of paper and deposited the thing electronically into my savings (yay!).

My job at HEDC is really challenging, but it's rewarding, too. I get to hang out with clients all day, talking with them and exploring their lives with them, hearing their stories, etc. I also get to watch the occasional movie, play board games, and read books. On the "not so fun" side I bear the brunt of the client's sour moods or emotional breakdowns. If they don't like something about something, they'll let me know in full force, sans filter. I've heard from others working in the field that I shouldn't take these things personally, so I do my best to act as a sounding board and calming influence.

I also love my co-workers! My hours are 10-6 Mon thru Thurs. and 8-4 Fri.

2) What did you do today?

Basically, I take this as the default question someone asks when they don't know enough about your current life to know what to ask about. This isn't a bad question; in fact, I regularly use it when I talk to my long-distance friends because I don't catch up with them enough. The question itself is a caring one, though it often begets a boring response, as the responder typically doesn't do exciting things "everyday." Actually, they probably don't do exciting things most days. So, 9/10 times the response will be monotonous, as is life most of the time. However, you just might get a winner (and whose to say the mundane is the loser, anyway?).

So, in answer to that question, I'm going to tell you what I've been doing with my life (not what I did today). Recently, I've been winding down my activity in photography, which saddens me greatly. Since I just got a taste of it, I'm left wanting more. My work schedule doesn't really allow me to pursue it right now.... I'm going out with a bang next weekend by assisting 4 photography shoots in inner loop Houston.

Secondly, I've been going to a young adults group on Tuesday nights (we call it "home group"). This is where I get most of my community for the week. While my co-workers are nice, I find I'm currently closer to those in my home group (for various reasons). Anyway, in case you wanted to know, at home group we make dinner together (eat, obviously) and discuss the sermon notes from Sunday. It's a good time.

Thirdly, I've been dropping and picking up music. I wrote a song (small victories) and I'm attempting to join my church's worship team, but this time management aspect is gonna be the death of me.

Don't get me wrong, I like to plan, but just because there are enough hours in the day doesn't mean I have to fill them. I'm actually on the other end of the spectrum: I feel like there's SO much I WANT to do, but even more that I HAVE to do.... so my "want to" is first to go. Thank God for Weekends off.

Fourthly, I watch Arrested Development. Lovin it.  Nuff said.

Fifthly, I take the dog for walks (my mom and I decided she's a full-time eater and part-time sleeper).

Finally, I collapse—er, chill—when I have "free time."  I'm optimistic that my body will adjust to this new schedule I have. Until it does, I'm pressing on, and enjoying (ahem, experiencing) every minute of it.


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